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CDI College Open House Spotlight

February 28, 2014 | Alberta

EDMONTON - Industry professionals know that experience is a key component for success in any field. CDI College offers students the experience they need by providing the hands-on training they need to succeed in their chosen industry. Students looking for a change in careers or looking to start one in the fields of business, education, technology, legal studies, or healthcare, should check out CDI College’s Open House next week on March 4, 2014 at their Edmonton City Centre campus.

This event offers prospective students in Edmonton the opportunity to learn about CDI College, their career programs, and their academic support services. Guests will also have a chance to meet current students, faculty members, and support staff. Demonstrations for their hands-on programs will be provided for guests to see first-hand the type of training CDI College provides. The event runs from 12:00-2:00pm and check-in is at 11:30am. To RSVP call 1.877.404.4353 or fill out the form on the right.

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