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Industry Insights
Unlock wisdom directly from seasoned industry professionals in our video library of past Industry Insights.

CDI College Practical Nursing Virtual Event | Aug 8, 2024
Listen as our guest speaker Crystal Gounder, LPN Supervisor from Naz Pharmacy and Wellspring Infusion Clinic breaks down her career journey as an LPN.
CDI College Industry Insights with Fastenal Nov 28, 2023
Recruiter Allyana Alvarez shares her knowledge of logistics during this session hosted by CDI College and Fastenal.
Industry Insights with LinkedIn
Enjoy this replay of our CDI Industry Insights (free!) event featuring Amanda Penrice, Account Director of LinkedIn Higher Education
CDI College Industry Insights with 123Dentist
Explore highlights from 123Dentist, with guest speakers Sherry Fitzpatrick, Regional Manager and Jeason Danthy, Recruitment Advisor.
CDI College Industry Insights with Jamie Tweedy from Native Counselling Services of Alberta
Jamie Tweedy from Native Counselling Services of Alberta shares his experiences as an addiction services worker during this event.