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Career Services and Practicum Experience

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The online career services department offers services to support our students through the practicum preparation, practicum time, and the job search process.

An employment specialist will work with you to review your resume, make sure it’s tailored to the practicum position you’re applying for, and advise on suggested improvements. In addition to resume review, coaching and improvement, we also train in digital application methods, networking, job application strategies, and interview preparation.


A practicum coordinator will then work with you to ensure that the practicum experience is as closely aligned as possible with your program outcomes.


The practical knowledge gained on your practicum is one of the paramount experiences CDI College offers as it provides the opportunity for students to practice their new skills and gain confidence. The career services process is heavily centered around motivating our students to learn how to network with employers and how to make connections in their community.


During the practicum, your practicum coordinator is the main point of contact to confirm that all host employer and student expectations are met. An employment specialist will meet with you again to assist in adding your practicum experience to your resume and to do a second review before graduation. At this point we circle back around to topics like LinkedIn, and application strategies.


If you need support after graduation to gain in-field employment, an employment specialist will work with you to create an action plan outlining the next steps to help reach goals specific to your career choice.


Up until about six months after graduation, employment specialists follow up with students on the action plan that was created to ensure that they are regularly applying to jobs of interest and going on interviews to secure employment.

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