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The Future of Healthcare in North America

August 25, 2010 | British Columbia

And how your training at CDI College can better prepare you for it

Surrey, BC - August 25, 2010 - In November of 2004, Canadians voted for their number one citizen of all time; the number one person they felt represented the country and the people. They chose Tommy Douglas, the founder of our much beloved, and much respected, Universal Healthcare System. This is how much our Universal Healthcare System is intertwined in the very fabric of our citizens, and our Nation.  In Canada, we take our healthcare very, very seriously. It's been over 50 years since the Saskatchewan Medical Care Insurance Act first turned our generosity as a society into law, and a lot has changed. A lot more is about to.

Healthcare Reform

The current Canada Health Act guidelines are from 1984, and both doctors and healthcare groups are calling for an update of the current system to meet more modern demands. 

Recently, in the United States, Canadian healthcare has been used as a political volleyball by both sides of the political spectrum. Some speculate that the more the system in the United States changes, the more Canadian physicians will head down south to fill those new clinics. Although the prospect of huge numbers of Canadian healthcare workers heading to greener practices in the U.S. is not exactly a new phenomenon; this would surely be a different motive for the existing trend, and one to keep an eye on

Should We Pay for Healthcare?

Back within our own borders, an aging population and looming budget issues have political heavyweights on the Federal and Provincial level scrambling to find new and creative ways to keep our most cherished social system intact. Quebec has already begun implementing aspects of a user paid system, and with sweeping austerity measures the order of the day, other provinces are likely to follow suit. 

School of Healthcare

There's only one thing you can be sure of: when it comes to healthcare, change is coming, on both sides of the border. Where there's change, there is always opportunity, and a well-trained, recent graduate of CDI's School of Healthcare, will be poised, equipped and prepared for tomorrow's healthcare landscape. One definite positive to these changes, as a recently accredited healthcare professional: All signs point towards more money to be made in Canada, and more jobs to be had in the U.S.

Fill in the form to your left for more information about the healthcare programs available at CDI College like Practical Nursing, Medical Office Assistant and Health Care Assistant.

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