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The Evolving Trends in Corporate Events

April 23, 2010 | British Columbia

2010 trends reflect recent economic downturn

Vancouver, BC - April 23, 2010 - The devastating economic downturn last year not only wrecked havoc with the organizational structure of companies world-wide, it also directly affected the events industry. Corporate event planners were forced to deal with some very large changes as companies tightened budgets and looked for alternatives to lavish events. Many of these changes have now become the norm for 2010 corporate event trends.

Event Planning Trends in 2010

  1. Flamboyant and lavish parties of yesteryear have now become luncheons or cocktail parties with a larger focus on raising employee moral rather than impressing them with the gleam and glamour of expensive decor.

  2. Veering away from the stuffy typical buffet selection that may have included fancy garnishes and foie gras and moving toward a more innovative selection that that includes upscale comfort food is a great way to cut costs. Caterers are choosing to serve event foods like grilled cheese, scalloped potatoes and macaroni and cheese - foods that illicit a feeling of nostalgia. Good for the tummy and even better for the wallet!

  3. Playing into the "feel-good" factor by integrating a green theme into the event. Eco-friendly decor or serving only locally grown food is another way of cutting costs for an event. An easy feat for Vancouverites, since the city is surrounded by local vendors selling beautiful organic vegetables, fruit, and even wine. 

  4. Downsizing the event, often eliminating the "plus one" on the invitations. Companies are still conscious about appearing too frivolous and throwing large scale parties could have a detrimental affect on the morale of the company.


Not everyone appreciates change. However, for the event planner, maintaining a status quo for events is no fun!  Event planners need to get those creative juices flowing, because there are countless ways to work within a smaller corporate budget while still impressing the socks off of the client!

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