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Filling Out Your Healthcare College Application

May 4, 2010 | British Columbia

Healthcare careers available in wide range of disciplines

Vancouver, BC - May 3, 2010 - Have you always wanted to start a career in the healthcare field but are unsure of what path to take? Whether you are currently a high school student, or have been out of school for a while and are now thinking about pursuing post-secondary education, this is a common question. You may not know how to go about applying to college or what area of healthcare you would like to work in - but all of these questions can be answered during the healthcare college application process.  

Healthcare Jobs

The healthcare profession employs a wide variety of people including those who are care aides, LPNs, RNs, X-ray technicians, lab assistants, occupational therapists, social workers, and much more. Pursuing a career in the healthcare field can be very overwhelming if you are not sure exactly which area you would like to work, but working through a healthcare college application can help narrow down your interests.

Volunteer Opportunities

One of the first things a healthcare college hopeful should do is to volunteer at a local hospital and pay close attention to what employees are doing. Watch the care aides and see what their daily activities include, watch the lab assistants taking blood each morning and ask yourself if these are daily tasks you could see yourself doing. Ask people questions, including what they like or don't like about their jobs and what advice they would give to someone looking to get into that profession.

Best Healthcare College

Once you have decided which path you would like to pursue, next comes finding suitable programs that offer the appropriate training. Find a campus location that is within a suitable distance from where you live and that offers your healthcare program of choice. Arrange a meeting with an admissions representative at the college to discuss start dates and do take a tour of the campus. CDI College offers a number of healthcare programs across the country - apply today and get started towards a career with unlimited opportunities in healthcare!

Fill out your healthcare college application today!

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