December 4, 2012 | British Columbia
Training helps healthcare hopefuls pursue their career goals faster
Surrey, BC – December 4, 2012 – Without the proper training, nursing hopefuls would be left watching medical dramas, wishing they could find a career as meaningful as those on their TV screens. CDI College helps make those unfulfilled dreams a reality by placing students in the exact scenarios they’ll face on the job, preparing them for a career with purpose.
“I went through a lot of hard times where I ended up in and out of the hospital and I saw what nurses did and how they made people feel and I realized that that’s something I enjoy doing too. I enjoy making people feel better, and when I realized that it just clicked,” says Practical Nursing grad Richard Jepson.
After taking that first step to get the training they need to become practical nurses, our students quickly wonder why it took them so long to go back to school. The compelling material and multiple practicum placements ensure there is never a dull moment throughout the program.
“I am looking forward to our acute care practicum and to gaining more experience!” said Kristy D., a Practical Nursing student in Surrey. “The instructors have all been great, and make our classes interesting and engaging! I am eager to continue my studies. I plan on becoming a Registered Nurse, and my Practical Nursing studies will be a great foundation!”
Whether the Practical Nursing program is a stepping stone toward further educational pursuits or is the starting point of a new career, students agree that they’re receiving the best training possible from instructors who have their best interests at heart.
“I am grateful to have such a knowledgeable instructor. She has been a great example of a caring, understanding nurse. Her enthusiasm for teaching and nursing is evident and contagious. She has made learning a fun experience,” shared Practical Nursing student Heather D.
With more than 70,000 healthcare-related jobs opening up in BC in the next few years, there’s never been a better time to enter the field. Of course, only those with the proper training will be considered, and CDI College grads know that their hands-on education will propel them to the front of the hiring line.
CDI College grads get results and you can too. Call 1.877.404.4353 to find out how you can get started in the Practical Nursing program today. Applications are now being accepted at the Surrey campus – apply online!