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Addictions Class Tests Counseling Skills

August 10, 2009 | British Columbia

Abbotsford Addictions and Community Services Class Put Counseling Skills to the Test

Abbotsford, BC - August 10, 2009 - The Addictions and Community Services class at the CDI College Abbotsford campus recently put their skills to use at a local addictions recovery centre.

Robyn Emberly, Addictions instructor at CDI College, took her Group Facilitation class to present on a variety of topics at a men's recovery facility in the Lower Mainland. Students had the opportunity to talk with the facility's residents, and test their knowledge in a practical setting.

"I was very nervous doing my presentation but now that I have done it once, I feel I will be more prepared the next time I will be asked to do this in my career," said CDI College student Annetta Visser, who presented on the topic of H.A.L.T (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired); the four areas that people must focus on during their recovery.

This was the first time the Addictions and Community Services students were able to put their training into practice, and it was an experience that they found to be very rewarding.

"I believe that the hands-on education really backs up what is taught in the classroom at CDI College.  To be able to run a group with real people outside the class was by far the best education one could get out of this class," said Mike Veeneman, CDI College Addictions and Community Services student. "I got to see and feel what is like to run a group, then got the feedback on what was good about it and what I could do better. This was a very helpful experience.  I got more out of the twenty minutes running the group than any of the bookwork that was involved."

On top of field trips like this one, each student in CDI's Addictions and Community Services program must participate in an eight-week practicum placement. These real world experiences help CDI students gain the confidence necessary to successfully enter the field of Addictions Services.

For more information on the Addictions and Community Services program, or other programs, at CDI College

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