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Laser Eagles Art Guild Holds Exhibition at CDI College in Mississauga

March 6, 2013 | Ontario

Art show proves disabilities are no obstacle for artists, inspire staff and students

Mississauga, ON – March 6, 2013 – The recent Laser Eagles Art Guild exhibition at CDI College in Mississauga proved that disabilities aren’t obstacles for creativity and artistic expression.

Founded by renowned advocate and speaker Judith Snow, the guild creates fully-inclusive creative environments for artists living with disabilities in the Greater Toronto Area. Snow was on hand at the event on February 28, 2013 to speak about the organization, the artists and their art.

The show highlighted the artistic vision and skills used to create art as well as the challenges each artist faces to make their vision a reality, including mobility issues or speech restrictions. Working with trackers – volunteer artist assistants with whom they have developed a relationship – each artist is able to establish the vision and purpose behind their work and how to execute it properly. Using laser trackers to select colours, brushes and locations, the artist then instructs the assistants on how to bring the creative vision to life on canvas.

The event, attended by campus staff, students and members of the community, also highlighted Judith Snow’s mission to create a world in which everyone is included and contributes to their communities. The organizers at CDI College believed that everyone in attendance was inspired to make a difference in their own communities.

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