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Start Off on the Right Foot as the New Accounting and Payroll Employee

May 30, 2012

Being the new person at work can be an exciting transition period for most professionals, whether they've just graduated from college or they're starting new careers. While some companies have orientation programs for their new employees, others simply hand over the essential paperwork and put their new hire to work. By following a couple of tips, new hires can start off on the right foot from day one.

New accounting and payroll professionals can take the initiative on the first day to learn the ropes around the office on their own. Instead of waiting for Human Resources staff to contact them, new employees can visit the department and make an appointment to return forms, learn about pay periods and ask any other questions they may have.

In addition, new accounting and payroll professionals should remember to ask questions. By making sure they understand their responsibilities and that they're clear on their goals, new employees can easily learn their new roles. They should also show that they can learn from their mistakes. This is crucial in working toward improvement and possibly career advancement.

Those looking to enter the accounting field can enroll in the Accounting and Payroll Administration program at CDI College. For more information on the program, fill out the form on the right.