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Payroll & Income Tax Practitioner Student Receives National Gold Award

May 18, 2021

Erica T. graduated from the Payroll and Income Tax Practitioner program at the CDI College Burnaby campus this April. She was named by the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) as one of the three 2020 Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) graduates to win an award in the Pacific Region. She was also named the National Gold Award winner for the best academic performance across Canada.

In 2019, Erica moved to Canada after she had earned her accounting degree from a university in the Philippines. She was referred to CDI College by a friend attending the same program. During her time at CDI College, she thoroughly enjoyed the courses and the projects she got to work on. She was thankful that there were so many practice questions and quizzes she had opportunities to practice with before taking her exams.


Payroll and income practitioners play a vital role in ensuring the accurate and timely payment of wages by Canadian employers. Erica has been working at one of the biggest construction companies in North America since she graduated. At her current company, Erica is responsible for payroll for British Columbia and Alberta, among other areas. She aspires to become more knowledgeable about the payroll practices across the country, and looks forward to becoming certified by the CPA when she completes her required hours. It is the training from CDI College that Erica says prepared her for this role.


CDI College provides students in the Payroll and Income Tax Practitioner program a competitive edge in the job market. The program offers the education, hands-on training, and support they need to complete the CPA’s PCP certification program. In less than a year, students at CDI College gain a practical foundation in payroll and income tax while also developing valuable office administration and computer software skills.


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