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Organization and Boundaries Will Help With Career Balance

April 24, 2012

Balancing a career with time for a spouse, children, friends and other hobbies is a skill that all professionals aim to master. Some qualities that are effective at work - planning, communicating and delegating - can be implemented in a person's social life as well. Aspiring practical nurses may have a hard time separating work life from home life. Here are some successful ways to help distinguish between the two and keep that balance consistent throughout a career.

First, one of the most important things to learn is to establish boundaries in the workplace. Determining right away what is appropriate and unacceptable behavior can help people define how they take charge of their time and when to say "no." With the occasional reminder of certain boundaries, a nursing professional can create more time at home instead of bending over backwards for a patient and missing out on important family moments.

In any professional environment, organization is essential to creating a happy balance between work and outside life. Professionals who set priorities, create lists and delegate assignments each day naturally have more time for their extracurricular activities, making them more content with their daily work schedule, since they know that they can relax when they come home.

Students who aspire to be practical nurses in the future can learn to balance out-of-school activities with their course loads at CDI College. To enroll in the Practical Nursing program, fill out the form on the right.