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“Liv” Your Best Life This Summer with Yoga and Wellness: Business of the Week

July 28, 2021

LIV Yoga + Wellness is a one-stop-shop for yoga and massage in downtown Calgary. Featuring highly experienced registered massage therapists (RMTs) and qualified yoga instructors, LIV Yoga + Wellness offers a variety of classes for all skill levels.


LIV Yoga + Wellness has been under new management since the summer of 2019. Owner, Dean Schmeichel, and General Manager, Carolyn Cameron, shared that business was doing quite well until the shutdown during March 2020.


Like all other fitness facilities, LIV Yoga + Wellness closed their doors for three months and were forced to lay off a number of staff and instructors. Each time they closed, their staff had to choose whether to wait for an eventual reopening, or find a new job. Many staff members needed to move on in order to make a living, so when LIV Yoga + Wellness reopened again in the summer, they were on the search for new instructors.


By June 2020, Dean and Carolyn realized that in order to keep the business viable, they needed to stay competitive and implement changes to coincide with new COVID protocols. Similar to other yoga and fitness studios, LIV Yoga + Wellness launched an Instagram account with featured live classes. Although they were not set up with the proper equipment, they learned to make due, as it was crucial to reinvent their business. Due to these unforeseen circumstances, LIV Yoga + Wellness definitely faced many challenges, but they were proud to say they made it through the pandemic and are still open to welcome all of their clients back!


As of July 6, 2021, LIV Yoga + Wellness is open for yoga and massage with no restrictions. In-person classes, featured in their lovely studio, can accommodate up to 25 students per class, following all safety protocols. Classes can also be streamed online, so anyone can access them from the comfort of their own home.


Now available for all CDI College students and graduates, LIV Yoga + Wellness is offering the following discounts*:

  • $10 off massage treatments
  • $89 for a first massage
  • $59 first month of unlimited yoga
  • $79 monthly unlimited
  • 15% off 10-class pass


LIV Yoga + Wellness is friendly, relaxed, and inclusive. They are eager to welcome back their regular customers and are extremely excited to see new faces, especially those from CDI College. Show them your support and check out their services today! #CDISupportsLocal


This week concludes CDI College’s Business of the Week campaign. Keep following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up to date on contents and other initiatives.


*Valid student ID is required to activate these discounts.