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Interviews Hold More Weight Than Ever in Today's Job Market

February 5, 2013

Today's professionals have particular standards expected of them before they even sit down for their interview. Because of technology's capabilities and the ease with which professionals can network, employers anticipate that job candidates have already done their homework on the company, treating it more like a sales pitch than an informal meeting. Whether students are pursuing information technology (IT) professions, healthcare careers or business administration roles, they should be sure to have their interviewing techniques practiced inside and out before they arrive at the company office.

Sell Yourself
The top mission of any job interview is for professionals to sell themselves to the recruiter. They have to convince the organization that with their skills and knowledge, they can positively contribute to the business and potentially move it forward. By giving real-life examples of past work experience, relevant practicum placements and volunteer jobs, students can demonstrate that an investment in them as a worker is a smart idea. According to Dan Schawbel, founder of management consulting firm Millennial Branding, hiring managers want to make sure that they are making the wisest choice, The Financial Post reports.

"You need to eliminate risk for the employer," Schawbel told the news source. "Why would they want to hire someone they're not 1,000 percent sure about? That's risky. You have to be willing to show that you can give more value than they're planning on paying you."

Bring a Portfolio
Professionals who tell employers that they are making the right decision by hiring them are not nearly as effective as those who show recruiters. Students heading to job interviews - especially those in the IT sector - should make sure to have a flash drive or clean and organized hard copy of their past projects so that they can present the employer with their work immediately, and have something tangible to refer to. Students who want to appear even more prepared should send a copy to the interviewer ahead of time to give them a chance to review their work and formulate questions to ask during the meeting.

Find Recommendations
While students can talk all day long about how good they would be on the company's team, having someone else relay the same positive message can be an even more credible way to prove it. Additionally, simply by knowing the right professional can help students get their foot in the door.

Students who are ready to get their careers started can start by taking networking training courses at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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