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Companies Need Skilled IT Workers to Ensure Tight Security

June 19, 2012

A company's emphasis on security can never be too strong. With the majority of businesses' data history stored using cloud computing, one tiny breach in the system can result in a catastrophic leak of all of their valuable - and at times confidential - information.

Recently, major social sites LinkedIn and eHarmony faced security mishaps, where hackers discovered millions of their users' passwords, showing that even the most concealed of security systems can be vulnerable.

One of the best ways to prevent hackers from breaking into company computer systems is to create passwords that are intricate and hard for anyone to guess. By using a jumbled combination of symbols and numbers, as well as lowercase and uppercase letters, workers can help ensure that their network is as secure as possible.

Additionally, employers would be smart to make sure that their information technology staff is qualified in networking security and aware of the latest information. Whether dealing with stolen identities, theft or intellectual property infringement, business leaders can feel more confident with a strong team backing them up.

Those who are interested in a career in networking will get a fundamental education when they enroll in the  Network Administrator program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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