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CDI College Raises Over $6,100 at Walk so Kids Can Talk presented by BMO on May 1st, 2016

May 3, 2016

VANCOUVER, BC – May 3, 2016 – This weekend, CDI College's campuses nationwide participated in the Walk so Kids Can Talk presented by BMO, raising over $6,100 for the Kids Help Phone.

On Sunday, May 1st, 2016, CDI College's campuses across Canada took part in the 15th annual Walk so Kids Can Talk presented by BMO in support of Kids Help Phone. The inspirational 5K walk was open to families, schools, community organizations, and corporations and took place at over 30 locations across the country.

Before the fundraising event began, CDI College had hoped to raise $3,000 but in less than a month, staff and students across Canada had not only met the goal, but exceeded it. Combined with $2,700 raised from bake sales, raffles, and other mini fundraisers, CDI College's staff and students more than doubled their intended target, raising over $6,100 to support Kids Help Phone.

"I am very proud of our staff and students for going above and beyond," said Victor Tesan, President of CDI College. "Campuses took the initiative to come up with creative ways to raise additional funds for the cause. At CDI College, we're eager to invest in and give back to our community through meaningful fundraisers like this one and we look forward to doing this again next year."

Kids Help Phone offers counselling services that serves over 190 Canadian youth on a daily basis, providing 24/7 assistance throughout the year. Since its inception, its free anonymous services have supported over 7.1 million callers across Canada in both English and French.

To see CDI College's campuses in action from the 15th annual Walk so Kids Can Talk presented by BMO, follow us on social media using #CDICares or #CDICares2016.

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