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CDI College Launches Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser to Support an End to Bullying

February 22, 2016

Vancouver, BC – February 22, 2016 – In support of Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, CDI College is encouraging all its staff, students, and everyone nationwide to wear pink to show support for anti-bullying programs across the country. Pink t-shirts can be purchased at the campuses by donation and all proceeds will be donated towards Pink Shirt Day.

Bullying is an issue that hits close to home at CDI College. With over 48% of the school’s demographics comprised of parents, this matter is one that has an enormous impact within the community.

“Bullying is a widespread concern and it doesn’t only happen to children. This can extend to college and the workforce,” said Barry Masellis, VP of Marketing at CDI College. “Its effects can be long-term and detrimental to the mental and emotional health of an individual, which is why initiatives like these are vital steps we should all partake in towards creating change.”

According to statistics released by the Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet), 75 per cent of people have experienced or been affected by bullying and 15 per cent of girls and 18 per cent of boys reported being victimized at least twice in previous months, and those are only the reported cases. In a recent survey conducted by the Canadian Red Cross, more than half the cases of schoolyard bullying do not get reported to teachers. Statistics also revealed what while over 80 per cent of the time, bullying occurs in the presence of peers, 57 per cent of the time, bullying stops within seconds when a bystander steps in, which is how two high school students from Nova Scotia inspired a nation to stand together against bullying.

Since its inception in 2008, Pink Shirt Day has raised over $1.2 million dollars in honour of the anti-bullying campaign inspired by two high school students, who witnessed a fellow schoolmate being harassed for wearing pink. The two students purchased pink t-shirts and encouraged fellow students to wear them as a unified symbol against bullying.

Proceeds from the fundraising campaigns have been distributed to various anti-bullying initiatives that teach children empathy, kindness, and acceptance such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, Kids Help Phone, Canadian Red Cross, Kidsafe Project Society, and more.

Along with CDI College, local businesses nationwide are also participating in the initiative to help raise awareness in their own communities and contribute to this worthy cause.

“We are very excited to be participating in such a meaningful cause,” said Masellis. “We are always looking for ways to make a difference, not only for our students, but also the people in the community.”

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