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5 Tips on How to Make the Best of Self-Isolation

March 31, 2020 | Manitoba

We've pulled together some great ideas on how you can reconnect with youself, your friends, and your families in a completely different way during this time of social distancing.


Cherish this time at home as an opportunity to rediscover yourself, get fit, and have meaningful conversations with your family and loved ones.


Take up a new hobby

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time? Now is the perfect opportunity to take up an activity such as painting, reading, journaling, knitting, (and many other options) while you have ample time at home! Paint the view from your backyard, knit yourself a cozy sweater, or journal about how you’re feeling each day (journaling has shown to drastically help people who are experiencing anxiety!)


Practice yoga or self-meditation

Times may be challenging, but there’s nothing like the present to practice gratitude and “centering yourself”. Watching the news every day can be stressful, so taking a few moments to focus on the present and reduce your thoughts will feel like a breath of fresh air. Plus, deep breathing exercises and mindfulness have been proven to reduce anxiety and aid sleep, so there’s no harm in trying!


Spring cleaning

Is your wardrobe looking a bit full? Or is your bathroom in desperate need or reorganizing? Now is a great time to start your spring cleaning and organizing! Sort through all your things and make piles for donation (as well as trash), while also doing a deep clean of your space. You’ll enjoy being home even more if you’re able to experience a sparkling clean and clutter-free place.


Start a workout plan

With access to so many workout videos online, come up with a workout routine that you can follow every day. Start off your morning with a few crunches, push ups, or chin ups and then set a time in the afternoon to focus your attention on cardio and core, legs and back, arms and upper body, or anything else you need to work on. Now that gyms have closed, there’s no reason why you can’t plan your own workout! Many workout facilities or services are now offering free online workout videos.


Learn to enjoy your own company

In the midst of all this self-isolation, truly learn to enjoy your own company. Whether that’s reflecting on goals and ambitions, making lists for the future, thinking about heavy topics, or lighting a candle and taking a bath, let yourself take a step away from the busyness of regular day-to-day and focus on reflecting, relaxing, and appreciating everything good you have in your life.

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